Founder, Designer & 'Chief Innovator'
Q: WHAT IS YOUR BEST ADVICE FOR ACCESSORIZING? I think layering is the way to go—choose your wrist or your neck and wear multiple pieces at once. It creates a distinctive look with your personality shining through!
Q: WHAT INSPIRES YOU? My inspiration comes from both past and present vintage jewelry, flea market finds and the history of fashion on the one hand; exciting trends, street style, and our stylish customers on the other!
Q: WHAT’S THE ONE THING YOU CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT? My friend Phyllis says I’m very ‘makey-makey’, and it’s true! I’m happiest when I’m designing jewelry, making art, decorating my home, creating travel journals…
President & Art Director
Q: WHAT'S THE BEST PART OF LEADING MAXIMAL ART? We are a family of artists. We employ mostly recent college graduates who are artists in their own right and continue to make their art in their spare time. 50% of our staff has worked with us for over 5 years. Some over 15!
Q: CAN YOU TELL US ABOUT MAXIMAL ART'S WORK WITH THE CANCER SUPPORT COMMUNITY? The CSC is a national organization whose mission is to 'ensure that all people impacted by cancer are empowered by knowledge, strengthened by action, and sustained by community.' We've designed a collection of fundraising jewelry for them, with charms symbolic of love and healing.
Q: WHAT'S THE ONE THING YOU CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT? My children. Madisen is 17...she has modeled for us since she was a baby and now collaborates with me on art direction...and Spencer, who is just about the funniest and smartest kid I have ever known. And mascara. It just makes every day better.